Thank you for your interest in advertising your business on the BIG SCREEN at The Clayton Theatre. On-Screen Advertising is a creative way for you to reach a relaxed, receptive, captive audience and a great way to project your name to the community and visitors to our area.
All advertising runs on our BIG SCREEN the last half of our pre-show program giving your ad maximum exposure to the greatest number of patrons attending a show. Pre-show programming is run before every movie shown at The Clayton. This includes all of our First-Run Features, Clayton Classics, and Special Events.
Because we are dedicating the last 10 minutes before every show begins to all of our On-Screen ads, advertising space is limited. We have allotted a maximum of only 20 ads per show and once these spots are filled, they will only become available again if an advertiser decides not to renew their contract.
Attached is a copy of our On-Screen Advertising rates. Advertisements run approximately 20 to 30 seconds and are full-screen color ads that you can design yourself. When designing your ad, keep in mind that horizontal (landscape) ads work best on our BIG SCREEN. Vertical (portrait) style ads can be run, but will not use the screen to its full advantage. At any time, feel free to contact us if you would like assistance and we will be happy to help you with your ad design.
Thank you for your support of The Clayton Theatre and we look forward to serving as part of your advertising needs in the future.
See you at the movies!
Joanne Howe, Owner